Prime number circle distribution

elementary-number-theorynumber theoryprime numbers

We know that Ulam spiral and the Klauber triangle and other shaped graph of the distribution of prime numbers, how about this circle distribution? Can we find more circles looks like this distribution?

\ 90 & \ 91 & 92 & \ 93 & 94 & \ 95 & \ 96 \\
\ 99 & 100 & \color{red}{101} & 102 & \color{red}{103} & 104 & 105 \\
108 & \color{red}{109} & 110 & 111 & 112 & \color{red}{113} & 114 \\
117 & 118 & 119 & 120 & 121 & 122 & 123 \\
126 & \color{red}{127} & 128 & 129 & 130 & \color{red}{131} & 132 \\
135 & 136 & \color{red}{137} & 138 & \color{red}{139} & 140 & 141 \\
144 & 145 & 146 & 147 & 148 & \color{blue}{149} & 150 \\

Edit: the example I give is not perfect, the perfect circle see paw88789's answer.

Best Answer

Here is one that has a complete border and insides with non-primes. (All numbers in black are composite).

$$ \begin{matrix} \ 2700 & \ 2701 & 2702 & \ 2703 & 2704 & \ 2705 & \ 2706 \\ \ 3669 & 3670 & \color{red}{3671} & 3672 & \color{red}{3673} & 3674 & 3675 \\ 4638 & \color{red}{4639} & 4640 & 4641 & 4642 & \color{red}{4643} & 4644 \\ 5607 & 5608 & 5609 & 5610 & 5611 & 5612 & 5613 \\ 6576 & \color{red}{6577} & 6578 & 6579 & 6580 & \color{red}{6581} & 6582 \\ 7545 & 7546 & \color{red}{7547} & 7548 & \color{red}{7549} & 7550 & 7551 \\ 8514 & 8515 & 8516 & 8517 & 8518 & 8519 & 8520 \\ \end{matrix} $$

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