Pricing grid base calculation


I am useless at maths and have been trying to figure this out for ages. I am creating an website for a client which prices fabric based on square inch of material. Their supplier gave them the attached table but I cannot work out the base price per square inch to use as a multiplier. Is there a formula that can work this out?

I have been calculating the base square in price by dividing the price by square in but it changes as the size goes up? When finished the customer should be able to enter width and height and get a price?

price calc

Sorry if this seem pretty obvious but its wrecking my head

Thanks in advance


Best Answer

All the values left of 60 width and up from 42 drop fit roughly $18.77+0.94({\text{width+drop}\over6}-8)$ and beyond that I'm not much help. But as everyone says, All they need to do is change it and you're no longer able to find it easily without lookup.

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