Possible permutations of $3$ red and $3$ blue balls


if a bag contains n different color balls, then possible permutations are n!.

What if some of the balls have same color?
For example: If a bag contains 3 red balls & 3 blue balls and a person takes out the 6 balls by picking one ball at a time, then in how many possible ways 6 balls can be picked from bag?

I think the answer is 3x2x1 x 3x2x1 = 3! x 3! = 36

is it correct?

Best Answer

Apparently you have still not been taught the formula for dealing with permutations of objects when some of them are identical.

You created permutations by multiplication, you can remove them by division, so if you have, say, $8$ objects where $5$ are $A's$ and $3$ are $B's$,

the formula will be $\Large\frac{8!}{5!3!}$

So can you apply the correct formula to your specific problem ?

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