Possible number of L-tetrominoes in covering an $8 \times 8$ chessboard

discrete mathematicstiling

Assuming that we do not have T-tetrominoes in our play, what are the possible numbers of L-tetrominoes that can appear in a covering with tetrominoes?

I have proven that the number can be any even number, of course, there cannot be more than 16 since each tetromino has 4 grids and we have 64 grids.

I doubt the number can be odd but having a hard time proving it.
Any help?

Picture for all types of tetrominoes (Omitting T-tetromino):

Best Answer

Two L-tetrominoes can be used to cover a $2\times 4$ grid completely and a chessboard can be broken into such rectangles.

Color the columns of the $8\times 8$ chessboard alternatingly white and black.

The tetrominoes will cover the following number of colored squares in such a coloring.

$L$-tet covers $1\ W$, $3\ B$ or $3\ W,1\ B$.

$\mathrm{Straight}$-tet covers $4\ B/W$ or $2\ B,2\ W$

$\mathrm{Square}$-tet covers $2\ B,2\ W$.

$\mathrm{Skew}$-tet covers $2\ B,2\ W$.

Since the number of white and black squares to be colored will be $32$ each, there can't be an odd number of $L$-tetrominoes because they will cover an odd number of black, white squares.

Every other even number $0 \le n=2k \le 16$ is possible. Just cover $k$ '$2 \times 4$ grids' with them and arrange.