Dynamical Systems – Positive/Negative Definite Functions Confusion

dynamical systemslyapunov-functionspositive definite

I have the Lyapunov function $V(x_1,x_2) = x_1^2+x_2^2$ for the nonlinear system:

$$\dot{x_1} = x_2$$
$$\dot{x_2} = -x_1 – x_2-x_2^3$$

Now obviously $V$ is a positive definite function but in order to show asymptotic stability of the origin I need to show that $\dot{V} = \frac{\partial V}{\partial t}$ is negative definite. Or negative semi-definite which would then allow me to use LaSalle's invariance theorem.

So I found $\dot{V} = -2x_2^2-2x_2^4$ which I think is negative definite since it is $0$ @ $V(0)$ and it is strictly negative everywhere else. Now there is no information about the $x_1$ direction in $\dot{V}$ but can that change the result? The solution says that it is not locally negative definite. And I think the issue is that there is no $x_1$ information so how do we consider it when checking for definiteness?

Usually when I have a quadratic function as my Lyapunov function candidate I just use the fact:

$$V=x^T P x$$

and find the eigenvalues or leading principal minors of $P$. However, I cannot figure out a way to do that for this case. Is there a better way to check for definiteness of a function?

Best Answer

So you found $$ \frac{d}{dt}(x_1^2+x_2^2)=-2x_2^2-2x_2^4=-x_2^2(1+2x_2^2)-\dot x_1x_2 $$ Now apply integration-by-parts to the last term to get $$ \frac{d}{dt}(x_1^2+x_2^2+x_1x_2) =-x_2^2(1+2x_2^2)+x_1\dot x_2 \\=-x_2^2(1+2x_2^2)-x_1^2-x_1x_2(1+x_2^2) \\\le-x_1^2-x_2^2(1+2x_2^2)+\frac{x_1^2+x_2^2}2(1+x_2^2) $$ which is negative outside the origin for $|x_2|<1$. Note that the modified quadratic form is still positive definite.

Remark: If you take the derivative of the second equation and insert the first one you get $$ \ddot x_2+(1+3x_2^2)\dot x_2+x_2=0 $$ which is a LiƩnard equation and the trick above is standard there.

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