Positive but not self-adjoint operator


Given ${\frak L}({\scr H}) \equiv \{ A : {\scr H} \to {\scr H} \ \vert \ A$ linear$ \}$, the operator $ T \in {\frak L}({\scr H})$ is said to be positive if:

$\langle \psi, T \psi \rangle \geq 0 \quad \forall \ \psi \in \scr H $, where $ {\displaystyle}{ \langle . , . \!\rangle }$ denotes the hermitian inner product.

It can be shown that every positive bounded operator is self-adjoint.

Is there a counterexample for unbounded ($ {\rm dom} \ T \subsetneq \scr H $) positive operators?

Best Answer

$-\frac{d^2}{dx^2}$ on $C_c^\infty((a,b))$ has different self adjoint extensions, with different eigenvalues, for different choices of boundary conditions at $a, b$. Thus, it cannot be self adjoint because:

A symmetric operator is called maximal symmetric if it has no symmetric extensions, except for itself.

Every self-adjoint operator is maximal symmetric.


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