Polytope in Minkowski sum


Is the following statement true?

Suppose that $P$ is a polytope contained in the Minkowski sum $A+B:=\{a+b: a\in A, b\in B\}$ of two convex compact sets $A$ and $B$. Then there exist polytopes $Q\subset A$ and $R\subset B$ such that $P = Q+R$.

Edit: Here's my attempt. Let $P$ be the convex hull of its extreme points $v_1,\ldots, v_k\in A+B$. Then by definition of the Minkowski sum, for $1\leq i\leq k$ there exist $a_i\in A$ and $b_i\in B$ such that $v_i = a_i + b_i$. Let $R$ be the convex hull of the $a_i$ and let $Q$ be the convex hull of the $b_i$. Then $R\subset A$ and $Q\subset B$.

Does it follow that $P=Q+R$?

Update: It only holds that $P\subset Q+R$ and compactness is not needed. I will post in the answer. Thank you.

Best Answer

This isn't true. Take $A = Conv \{0, (1,0) \}$ and $B = Conv \{0, (0,1) \}$. Then $A+B$ is the unit square, and $P = Conv \{0, (1,1)\} \subset A+B$, but there is no $Q \subset A, R \subset B$ such that $P = Q + R$.

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