Polynomial units in field


I am new on this topic and would like to have some clarifications.

We were given a definition and theorem as follows:

Definition :
A polynomial $p$ in $F[x]$ is irreducible if $p$ is not a unit of $F[x]$, and if $p = f\cdot g$ then either $f$ or $g$ must be a unit.

By my own interpretation if it is reducible then $p$ must be a unit of $F[x]$.

Theorem: If $F$ is a field then the only units of $F[x]$, that is polynomials $p$ such that exists $q$, $p\cdot q = 1$ and in ($F[x]$), are the units of $F$. Thus it can only be constant polynomial of degree $=0$.

Then we have this fact $\dots$ $(x^2)+1$ is irreducible in $ℤ/3ℤ$ (but not in $ℤ/5ℤ$!)

Now my professor said it is irreducible because it cannot be factored in $ℤ/3ℤ$ but can in $ℤ/5ℤ$ which is $(x+3)\cdot (x+2)$. I am confused because the theorem stated that units of $F$ are only constant numbers. However we have $(x^2)+1$ which is reducible in $ℤ/5ℤ$ and thus is a unit in $ℤ/5ℤ$???

I am so confused, I don't know where or what I am doing wrong.

Best Answer

It is not true that if $p$ is reducible then it is a unit. Recall that an element $p\in F[X]$ is a unit if there exists $q\in F[X]$ such that $pq=1$. If $F$ is a field, then comparing degrees shows that all units are nonzero constants. Conversely all nonzero constants are clearly units.

Now consider for example the polynomial $p=X^2\in F[X]$, which is not a unit. Then for the polynomials $f=g=X\in F[X]$ we have $p=fg$, and neither $f$ nor $g$ is a unit. This means $p$ is reducible, but not a unit.

The same reasoning shows that more generally, a product of two nonconstant polynomials in $F[X]$ is reducible but not a unit.