Polygon Vertices as complex numbers

complex numbers

Here is the problem:

i) A regular n-sided polygon has vertices $p_0,p_1 , … p_{n-1}$ that lie on a circle of unit radius.
By considering the complex roots of the equation $z^n = 1$ or otherwise, prove that the product of the
distances $p_0p_1,p_0p_2 , … p_0p_{n-1}=n$ [1]

My logic so far is that the equation $z^n=1$ has $n$ many solutions by the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, therefore we can write $1=z^n=(z-z_1)(z-z_2)\cdots(z-z_n)$. We can take the absolute value of both sides to get $|1|=|z-z_1|\times|z-z_2|\times\cdots\times|z-z_n|$. This close to what is desired with the only difference beeing that $z$ is a generic point on the circle not equal to one of the roots. Could somebody give me a hint as to how to proceed with this problem?

Best Answer

Differentiate your equation $$nz^{n-1}=\frac{d}{dz}(z-z_1)...(z-z_n)$$

All the terms formed when we differentiate vanish when we put $z=z_1$ except for $$(z-z_2)...(z-z_n)$$ which becomes $$(z_1-z_2)...(z_1-z_n)$$

So $$n=n|z_1|^{n-1}=|z_1-z_2|...|z_1-z_n|$$

Is that OK now?