Polar decomposition has unitary operator implies kernel of adjoint is trivial.


Let $T\in B(H)$ for $H$ a Hilbert space.

Let $T = U|T|$ be the polar decomposition of a bounded operator $T$. I was able to prove that $U$ is unitary implies $\operatorname{ker}T = \{0\}$. However, $\operatorname{ker}T^*$ should also be trivial, but I am not sure how to get there. I have tried using the identity $$\operatorname{ker}(T^*) = \operatorname{Im}(T)^\perp$$ or the fact that $\operatorname{Im}(T^*)$ lies dense in $H$. But to no avail.

Best Answer

It is easy to see that $|T|^2$ is self-adjoint, so it has a square root which is self-adjoint. Now $|T|^2$ is also a positive operator, since $$<T^*Tx,x> = <Tx,Tx> = ||Tx||^2\geq0$$ for all $x\in H$. Which implies that the square root is unique, hence $|T|$ is self-adjoint. So we find that $T^* = |T|U^*$.

Take $x\in \operatorname{ker}T^*$. We know that $\operatorname{ker}T = \operatorname{ker}|T| = \{0\}$. Since $|T|U^*x = 0$, $x\in\operatorname{ker}U^*$. But since $U$ is unitary we get $$0 = <U^*x,U^*x> = <x,x> = ||x||^2$$ So $x= 0$.

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