“Polar coordinates” over a evenly spaced grid

coordinate systemsmetric-spacesnormed-spacespolar coordinates

Say I have a real function $f$ over an evenly spaced grid. So $f$ takes as input the integers $l,n$.
Is there a way to, analogously to a function over a continuum plane, to define "polar coordinates"? The $r$ in this case will be the $L^1$ metric, i.e. the distance of $(l,n)$ from the origin will be $|l|+|n|$.
What will play the role of the angle $\theta$?

Best Answer

Yes, in my opinion one can indeed define "polar coordinates" for an evenly spaced grid. Of course, things will be a bit different in this geometry. You have chosen to define $r$ as follows:

$$r = |l| + |n|$$

We now seek a meaningful angle $\theta$. In order to use Pythagoras, we first define the Euclidic norm:

$$E = \sqrt{l^2 + n^2}$$

We can now write $l = E \cos (\theta)$ and $n = E \sin (\theta)$. Combining these equations we arrive at the following expressions, valid for the first quadrant:

$$\cos (\theta) = l/E = \frac {l} {\sqrt {l^2 + (r-l)^2} } $$

$$\sin (\theta) = n/E = \frac {r-l} {\sqrt {l^2 + (r-l)^2} } $$

We see that the allowed values for $\theta$ unfortunately (but not surprisingly!) depend on $r$.