Point on parabola which is at shortest distance


Find a point on parabola $y^2 =4x$ which is at shortest distance from $(1,0)$.
Answer given is $(0,0)$
But I am getting imaginary values.
How do i get $(0,0)$

Best Answer

Note : $y^2=4x$ is a parabola, vertex $(0,0)$, symmetric about the $x-$axis.

We have $x \ge 0.$


$d^2= y^2 + (x-1)^2 =4x +(x-1)^2$

$d^2=x^2+2x+1= (x+1)^2.$

$ \min (d^2) =$

$ (0+1)^2 =1$ at $x=0$ (why?)
(Recall $x \ge 0$)

The point on the parabola that minimizes $d^2$ to $(1,0)$ is (0,0)

Note : $d^2$ has been minimized, does this imply $d$ is minimal?