Poincaré-Lindstedt method for $x” + x = \epsilon x^2$ for the $x_1$ equation as $\epsilon \to 0$

asymptoticsordinary differential equations

My question is in the last step of the post Solve $x''+x=\epsilon x^2$ as $\epsilon\to0$ using the Poincaré-Lindstedt method which outlines how the expansion is set up and the $x_0 = \cos(\theta)$ is derived.

If $x(s,\epsilon) = x_0(s) + \epsilon x_1(s) + \epsilon^2 x_2(s) + …$ then equating the coefficients in the same way as the post, I get $x_0(s) = \cos(s)$ and the differential equation setup for $x_1$.

$\frac{d^2x_1}{ds^2}+ x_1(x) = 2\omega_1\cos(s) + \cos^2(s) = 2\omega_1\cos(s) + \frac{1}{2}(1+\cos(2s))$

What I am lost about is where the intuition for the solution of the $x_1$ is $A(1-\cos(s)) + B(\cos(2s) – \cos(s)$ comes from.

Derivation of the equations:

$\omega = \omega_0 + \epsilon\omega_1 + \epsilon^2\omega_2 + …$

$x(s, \epsilon) = x_0(s) + \epsilon x_1(s) + \epsilon^2 x_2(s) + …$

$\frac{d^2 x}{ds^2} = \frac{d^2 x_0}{ds^2} + \epsilon \frac{d^2 x_1}{ds^2} + \epsilon^2 \frac{d^2 x_2}{ds^2} + …$

In the form of the differential equation,

$\omega^2\frac{d^2 x}{ds^2} + x = \epsilon x^2 \implies $

$(\omega_0 + \epsilon \omega_1 + \epsilon^2\omega_2+…)^2(\frac{d^2x_0}{ds^2} + \epsilon \frac{d^2x_1}{ds^2} + \epsilon^2 \frac{d^2x_2}{ds^2} + …) + x_0 +\epsilon x_1 + … = \epsilon(x_0 + \epsilon x_1 + …)^2$

For the $\epsilon^0$:

$\omega_0^2 \frac{d^2x_0}{ds^2} + x_0 = 0 \implies x_0 = \cos(\frac{s}{\omega_0})$ and by the periodicity condition $x_0(s+2\pi) = x_0(s)$ $\omega_0 = 1$.

For the $\epsilon^1$:

$2\omega_0\omega_1\frac{d^2x_0}{ds^2} + \omega_0^2\frac{d^2x_1}{ds^2} + x_1 = x_0^2$. For the secular terms from 0 and 2 frequencies respectively, $\omega_1 = 0$ must be true.

This simplifies to the equation above, $\frac{d^2 x_1}{ds^2} + x_1 = \frac{1}{2}(1 + \cos(2s)$

Help is appreciated

Best Answer

One can multiply the equation with $2x'$ and integrate to get a first integral that has bounded level sets around the origin. This gives raise to closed orbits and periodic solutions.

It is expected that the period will also depend on $\epsilon$, therefore one tries the solution form $x(t)=C(\omega(\epsilon)t,\epsilon)$. The first argument of $C$ or the product inside gets the name $\theta$, and by abuse of notation $C$ is replaced with $x$, even though it is now a different function. This way one gets $$ x''(s)=\omega(\epsilon)^2\frac{\partial^2 C}{\partial\theta^2}. $$ It is $C(\theta,\epsilon)$ that gets expanded as $x_0(\theta)+\epsilon x_1(\theta)+...$ which leads to the mentioned detailed equation \begin{multline} (1+ϵω_1+ϵ^2ω_2+...)^2(x_0''(θ)+ϵ x_1''(θ)+ϵ^2 x_2''(θ)+...)\\+(x_0(θ)+ϵ x_1(θ)+ϵ^2 x_2(θ)+...)\\=ϵ(x_0(θ)+ϵ x_1(θ)+ϵ^2 x_2(θ)+...)^2 \end{multline} and by comparing coefficients to the system \begin{align} x_0''(θ)+x_0(θ)&=0\\ 2ω_1x_0''+(x_1''+x_1)&=x_0^2\\ (2ω_2+ω_1^2)x_0''+ω_1x_1''+(x_2''+x_2)&=2x_0x_1 \end{align} etc. So one finds $x_0(θ)=\cos(θ)$.

The aim is to fix the parameters and component functions to avoid non-periodic resonance terms as one would get from $2ω_1x_0$ in the second equation. So set $ω_1=0$. Thus remains $$ x_1''(θ)+x_1(θ)=x_0(θ)^2=\frac12(1+\cos(2θ)) $$ From the method of undetermined coefficients the general solution form is known as $$ x_1(θ)=A+B\cos(2θ)+C\cos(θ)+D\sin(θ) $$ Now one can reduce the system by directly satisfying the homogeneous initial conditions $x_1(0)=x_1'(0)=0$ by shifting some amount from the complementary solution to the particular solution $$ x_1(θ)=A(1-\cos(θ))+B(\cos(2θ)-\cos(θ)) $$ Inserting into the DE results in $A=\frac12$, $-3B=\frac12$.

In the third equation one can replace $x_0''$ with $-x_0$ to get \begin{align} x_2''+x_2&=2ω_2x_0+2x_0x_1\\&=(2ω_2+1-\tfrac16)\cos(θ)-\tfrac16(1+\cos(2θ))-\tfrac1{6}\cos(3θ) \end{align} Thus $ω_2=-\frac5{12}$ to avoid non-periodic resonance terms and so on.

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