Picking numbers from a list with Gaussian distribution (programming implementation)

mathematical modelingprobability distributionsprogrammingstatistics

If we have values:

$x \in [0, 100]$

I would like to implement a method, where the bigger the value, the less likely it is that it will be picked. (something like a Gaussian curve, but with maximum at the start of the list)

My first idea would be, to make an ordered list:


Where the lower the element is, the more duplicates it has.
Then I would take the elements out of the list by randomly generating an integer between $0$ and $length(list)$, to pick the element out of the list by it's index. So the lower the number, higher the probability that it will be picked from the list.

However this is a very DIY approach to a problem like that. Is there a more sophisticated mathematical implementation approach to get (something like a Gaussian curve having it's maximum at the start of the list).

(I am programming in Java)

If my initial idea was good, then how many duplicates of each element should I make, to match the Gaussian curve.


The description of the application that I want is that the lower the number, the more probability there is that it will be picked from the list. However I am open to ideas on how to do that more sophistically.

Best Answer

Another method would be to

  • generate a (pseudo-)random number $U$ uniformly on $(0,1)$
  • take some suitable function $f:(0,1) \to (0,1)$
  • multiply $f(U)$ by $101$ and round down: i.e. $\lfloor 101 f(U)\rfloor$

So it is a matter of a suitable function, a quantile or inverse CDF.

One possibility is $f(u)=1-\sqrt{1-u}$ which would give you something close to a triangular distribution with its peak at $0$. Other functions will produce different distributions

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