Pick two random people in the world, what’s the probability of them knowing each other


I have one question popped in my head out of nowhere at 3AM.

If we pick two random people in the world, what's the probability of them knowing each other?

You can assume that there are 7 billion people in the world and the idea of Six Degrees of Separation is relevant, or maybe you can assume one person has a circle of friends up to 100 people. You can provide any other assumptions to make it simple.

Please help answer my 3AM thought so I can sleep peacefully.

Best Answer

All you need to know is the average number of people the average person knows, plus the total population of the world. (By "knows" here, I am assuming a reciprocal relationship, discounting the fact that everyone "knows" lots of celebrities who don't know them from Adam.) If $K$ represents this average, and $P$ represents total population, then the answer is $K/(P-1)$.

To elaborate, just a bit, we have

$$K={1\over P}\sum_{i=1}^Pk_i$$

where $k_i$ is the (precise) number of people known to person $i$. When you pick two people at random, the first person will be person $i$ with probability $1/P$, and the second person will be known to person $i$ with probability $k_i/(P-1)$, and thus the probability the two people will know one another is $\sum_{i=1}^P{1\over P}{k_i\over(P-1)}=K/(P-1)$.

As a practical matter, the probability is pretty small, probably well under one in a million. Even if you restrict just to the U.S., the probability is likely to be around one in half a million: It has been estimated that the average American knows about $600$ people.

Note, the six-degrees-of-separation phenomenon and the Birthday Paradox play no role here. They would have role if we were assembling (at random) some medium-sized group of people and asking, for example, for the probability that some pair of them are connected by a chain entirely within the group.