$\Phi$ is consistent $\iff$ every finite subset of $\Phi$ is consistent


I am not sure if I have memorized the definition correctly but a formula $\psi$ is derivable from $\Phi$ ($\Phi\vdash\psi$) iff there is a subset $\Gamma$ such that the sequence $\Gamma\Rightarrow\psi$ is derivable in sequent calculus.

And $\Phi\subseteq FO$ (set of sentences without free variables) is consistent iff $\Phi$ is not inconsitent and $\Phi$ is inconsistent iff every sentence without free variables $\psi$ can be derived from $\Phi$.

I have trouble to understand the $\Leftarrow$ side of the equivalence in the title.

How can I prove that if every subset of $\Phi$ is consistent then $\Phi$ is also consistent?

I could not find a proof, my attempt:

Suppose $\Phi$ is inconsistent but every subset of it is consistent. I don t see why this would yield a contradiction. Because $\Phi$ is inconsistent. I know that for every $\psi$ there is a subset $\Gamma$ such that the sequence $\Gamma\Rightarrow\psi$ can be derived from sequent calculus.

Best Answer

Using the contrapositive, assume $\Phi$ is inconsistent. This means there is a proof of a contradiction from $\Phi$. As proofs are finite in length, it can only use finitely many statements from $\Phi$. That finite subset is then inconsistent.