Permutation representation contains trivial representation


Let $G$ be a finite group and $H \vartriangleleft G$ a normal subgroup.

Let $(V,\rho)$ be the permutation representation (over $\mathbb{C})$ of $G$ acting on the set $G/H$ (we think of the quotient group as a set) in the natural way, i.e. for $s,t \in G$: $s \cdot (t\ (\textrm{mod}\ H)) = st\ (\textrm{mod}\ H)$.

Show that $(V,\rho)$ contains the trivial representation of $G$ with multiplicity 1.

My idea was to show that $G$ acts doubly transitively on $G/H$ and then apply this result.

But $G$ in particular need not act doubly transitively on itself, so we cannot apply this result.

Best Answer

There are $|H|$ elements with $|G/H|$ fixed points, and thus trace $|G/H|$, and all other elements have no fixed points and are thus traceless. Thus, by the orthogonality relations, the multiplicity of the trivial representation $1$ in $\rho$ is

$$ \frac1{|G|}\sum_g\chi_1(g)\chi_\rho(g)=\frac1{|G|}\left(|H|\frac{|G|}{|H|}\right)=1. $$