Permutation group with cosets


I'm new to abstract algebra and I'm currently learning cosets. So, I came across this example in my textbook:

Let $H$ be the subgroup of $S_3$ defined by the permutations $\{(1),(123),(132)\}$. The left cosets of $H$ are

I'm not sure to understand how to get the second coset $\{(12),(13),(23)\}$ with the subgroup $\{(1),(123),(132)\}.$ Could someone show me the reasoning behind it?

Best Answer

The left cosets of a subgroup $K$ of a group $G$ are defined to be

$$aK=\{ ak\mid k\in K\}$$

for each $a\in G$.

So, to get your coset, simply multiply each element of $H$ on the left by the chosen representative.

For example,

$$\begin{align} (12)H&=\{(12)(1), (12)(123), (12)(132)\}\\ &=\{(12), (1)(23), (13)(2)\}\\ &=\{(12), (13), (23)\}. \end{align}$$