Percentage and Set theory related question


So I have come across a question Where it says that among 500 students from a school, 35% play football, 25% play cricket and 20% play neither. So how many students play both the sports?

The answer given in the text book is 200 students. But according to my simple logic if 200 students play both football and cricket then how come 175 (35% of 500) play Football in total?

I have also used the concept of Venn diagram and came up with the below mention diagram. Plus I am not considering that the 35% football players only play football. And the 25% cricket players only play cricket.enter image description here

Best Answer

The given problem is ill-posed.

Since 35% play football and 25% play cricket, then those who play neither can only comprise between 40% ($F$ and $C$ are disjoint) to 65% ($C \subseteq F$) of the students. This contradicts the other given piece of information (20% play neither).

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