Pell’s equation $x^2-dy^2=4$ always has solutions

diophantine equationselementary-number-theorynumber theorypell-type-equations

I know that Pell's equation $x^2-dy^2=1$ always has solutions and I want using that fact show that $x^2-dy^2=4$ also always has solutions.


I try something like this…
Let $(x_1,y_1)$ be solution of $x^2-dy=4$. Lets look all cases that can be dependent on odd or even number $x$ or$y$. It is clear that can't be je $x_1$ even, and $y_1$ odd, so we have only 3 cases.

If $x_1, y_1$ both odd, then by dividing equation by 4 I get the number 1 on the right and according to Theorem the equation has a solution.

If $x_1$ is odd, and $y_1$ even, then $4 \mid d$, tj. $d=4d'$. Then again by dividing equation by 4 I get the number 1 on the right and according to Theorem the equation has a solution.

How to finish this proof?

Best Answer

I know that Pell's equation $x^2-dy^2=1$ always has solutions and I want using that fact show that $x^2-dy^2=4$ also always has solutions.

As Batominovski indicated in comments, if you know a solution $(x,y)$ to $x^2-dy^2=1$,

then $(X,Y)=(2x,2y)$ is a solution to $X^2-dY^2=4$,

because $X^2-dY^2=(2x)^2-d(2y)^2=4x^2-d4y^2=4(x^2-dy^2)=4(1)=4.$

For example, solutions to $x^2-5y^2=1$ are $(x,y)=(1,0), (9,4), (161,72), ...$,

so solutions to $X^2-5Y^2=4$ are $(X,Y)=(2,0), (18,8), (322, 144), ...$.

So this shows that $X^2-5Y^2=4$ has solutions, though there are solutions this does not find,

such as $(X,Y)=(3,1),(7,3),(47,21),(123,55),(843,377), ...$.