Peculiar nature of $x\sec x$


Just out of curiosity I typed $x\sec x$ into Desmos and got a strange graph, (umm if you'll call that a graph).

Till now I've seen graphs that are some curves. But this function's graph is something uncanny or rather intimidating.

What it the nature of the graph of this function$?$ Is it oscillating like $\sin$ or bounded like a circle$?$

I've no idea. And if you think why I've no idea, see yourself. enter image description here

What is this function denoting $?$ Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Point 1 : Plot $x \sec x$ between various limits $\pm X$ where $X=1,10,100,\cdots$ to see that there is nothing strange / weird / unusual here.

Point 2 : When using a thick Pencil (line thickness) we will get "areas" rather than "lines" , due to very close lines.

Point 3 : Compare with $x \sin x$ & similar functions to get similar "weirdness" , that is , weird curves with "areas" rather than "lines" , which will highlight that there is no weirdness. I have included that Image at the last.

Point 4 : When we are looking at large $x$ values with limited $y$ values , between $\pm Y$ where that limit is not sufficient to see the necessary stuff , it may be confusing & look like a Block rectangle.

$x \sec x$ : Between -1 & +1 :

 -1 : x sec x : +1

$x \sec x$ : Between -10 & +10 :

 -10 : x sec x : + 10

$x \sec x$ : Between -100 & +100 :

 -100 : x sec x : + 100

$x \sec x$ : Between -10000 & +10000 :

 -10000 : x sec x : + 10000

$x \sec x$ : Between -100000000 & +100000000 :

 -100000000 : x sec x : + 100000000

$x \sec x$ : Between -10000000000000000 & +10000000000000000 :

 -10000000000000000 : x sec x : + 10000000000000000

Zoom out more , to get weirder looking curve , which will make sense when Zooming in.

$x \sin x$ , looking weird , though there is no weirdness :

x sin x