Particle moving along an ellipse; negative/positive displacement


I have the following problem.

A particle moves along an ellipse $$3x^2 + y^2 = 1$$ with a position vector $$\vec{r} (t)= (f(t), g(t))$$ the displacement is such that the horizontal component of the velocity vector in each instant $ t $ is $ -g(t)$.

Is the particle having a negative or positive displacement?

Show that the vertical component of the velocity vector in instant $ t $ is proportional to $ f(t)$. Find the constant of proportionality.

This is what I have:

$$\vec{r} (t)= ( \cos(t)/\sqrt{3} , \sin(t))$$

$$\vec{v} (t) = ( -\sin(t)/\sqrt{3} , \cos(t))$$

Velocity vector with horizontal component $ -g(t)$:

$$\vec{v} (t) = ( -\sin(-sin(t))/\sqrt{3} , \cos(t))$$
This is equal to:
$$\vec{v} (t) = ( \sin(sin(t))/\sqrt{3} , \cos(t))$$

My conclusion, if I am not wrong, is that since both components of the velocity vector are positive then the particle displacement is positive.

I am still not sure about what to do regarding if the vertical component of the velocity vector in instant $ t $ is proportional to $ f(t)$, and about finding the constant of proportionality.

Any tips on how to solve that problem?


Constant of proportionality

Constant of proportionality

Please excuse my english. Thanks.

Best Answer

Particle moves along $3x^2+y^2=1$

So we define $\vec r(t) = (\frac{1}{\sqrt3} \cos (at), \sin (at))$ where $a$ is a constant. For $a = 1$, it will take $2\pi$ unit of time for the particle to go along the ellipse and return to its starting position.

$\vec v(t) = (- \frac{a}{\sqrt3} \sin (at), a \cos (at))$

We also know that $\vec r(t) = (f(t), g(t))$ such that $x$ component of velocity vector at any given $t$ is $-g(t)$.

So what is the value of $a$? Can you take it from here?