Partial order which forces finite intersections with sets not in an ultrafilter


The following is from the Paper ,,Canonical models for fragments of the Axiom of Choice" written by Paul Larson and Jindrich Zapletal, in Claim 3.4:
Let $U$ be a nonprincipal ultrafilter on $\omega$ with empty intersection with $A$, where $A \subseteq \mathcal{P}(\omega)$ is an infinite $MAD$ family. Let $P$ be the usual $c.c.c.$ poset adding a set $\dot x_{gen} \subseteq \omega$ which has finite intersection with every set not in $U$.
We work with ZFC and the hypothesis, that Woodin cardinals exist.
My question now is: What is such an usual partial order $P$, that forces the above?

Best Answer

One possible poset would be as follows: Let $\mathbb{P}=[\omega]^{<\omega}\times U$, and $(s,X)\ge (t,Y)$ if and only if

  • $s\subseteq t$,
  • $X\supseteq Y$, and
  • $t\setminus \max s \subseteq X$.

Let $G$ be a $\mathbb{P}$-generic filter, and let $x_{gen}=\bigcup\{s\mid \exists X\in U: (s,X)\in G\}$. For each $Z\subseteq \omega$ that is not in $U$, consider $$\mathcal{D}_Z = \{(s,X)\in\mathbb{P}\mid X\subseteq \omega\setminus Z\}.$$ Then we can see that $\mathcal{D}_Z$ is dense. Hence there is $s$ such that $(s,\omega\setminus Z)\in G$. From this, we can see that $x_{gen}\setminus \max s\subseteq \omega\setminus Z$. Especially, $x_{gen}\cap Z\subseteq \max s$.

It remains to show that $\mathbb{P}$ has c.c.c. Let $\{(s_\alpha,X_\alpha)\mid \alpha<\omega_1\}\subseteq \mathbb{P}$. Since $[\omega]^{<\omega}$ is countable, we may assume that $s_\alpha$ is constant with value $s$. Hence it suffices to show that $(U,\subseteq)$ satisfies c.c.c., and in fact, every pair of elements of $U$ is compatible.

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