Parametric equation of the ellipse: clockwise or counterclockwise rotation when varying the parameter

conic sectionsparametrization

Given an ellipse of semi-axes $a$ and $b$ centered on the point $(x_0,y_0)$,


It can be expressed using parametric coordinates:

$$\vec{F}(t)=(x(t), y(t))$$

$$x(t)=a \cos (t)+x_0 $$
$$ y(t)=b \sin (t)+y_0$$

Then, if $P(x(t),y(t))$ is a point belonging to the ellipse, how can we know whether it will move clockwise or counterclockwise when the parameter $t$ is varied?

Best Answer

Assuming that $a,b>0$, the movement will be counterclockwise. Note that $F'(0)=(0,b)$, which points upwards. So, since $F(0)$ is the point of the ellipse located more to the right, it starts moving counterclockwise. Since $F'(t)$ is never $0$, the movement cannot become clockwise after.