Parametric Equation of sine wave along a helix curve


I would like to model a braided hose like shown here:

I found these equations for sine along a helix: Parametric Equation of sine wave helically wrapped around a cylinder

I was wondering how the equations provided here would change if the sine wave has to follow a helical path, but in my case the wave is perpendicular to the cylinder surface instead of being in the axial direction.

Really appreciate the help.

Best Answer

The projection onto horizontal plane $z=0$ of the 3D curve you want to obtain can be given the following polar representation :

$$r(\theta)=R+r \cos(k \theta) \ \iff \ \begin{cases}x(\theta)&=&(R+r\cos(k \theta))\cos \theta\\y(\theta)&=&(R+r\cos(k \theta))\sin \theta\end{cases}\tag{1}$$

(Consider different values $k=5,10,20...$).

Retrieving the 3D curve out of this 2D curve if obtained through a natural "lifting", i.e., by adding to the 2 equations in (1) the third equation:

$$z(\theta)=a \theta$$

for a certain constant $a$.

Remark: a shift parameter $\phi$ can be added to the equations in (1) by taking $r(\theta)=(R+r \cos(k(\theta+ \phi)))$.

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