Parameterizing the surface formed by lines through the points of a helix and orthogonal to its axis


Given the following curve, a helix,
I consider, for each $t$, the line that pass through $\alpha(t)$ and it's orthogonal to $z$ axis. Then, I have to parametrize the surface that is the union of all this lines.

I thought about finding $\alpha'(t)$ and take $N(t)$ such that

I don't know if what I'm doing is correct and if so, what I'm supposed to do next.

Best Answer

I haven't done this stuff in about a decade, but it's not that hard. My answer is similar to user3482749's.

Have a quick glance at the top answer to this question to get started. In particular, an example of an equation of a straight line in 3D is:

$$( x,y,z) = ( 5,5,5) +t( -4,-3,-2),$$

where it should be pretty obvious what is going on: $( 5,5,5)$ is just a point (position vector) on the line - you could have used any other point on the line - and $( -4,-3,-2)$ is the "gradient" of the line (the direction vector).

For your question, for each $t$, you want to draw a straight line from $(0,0,t)$ to $ (\cos(t),\sin(t),t)$. So for each $t$, you can use $(0,0,t)$ as a point on your line and your line will have gradient $(\cos(t),\sin(t),t) - (0,0,t) = (\cos(t),\sin(t),0)$. Therefore for each $t$, the equation of the straight line orthogonal to the z-axis is:

$$( x,y,z) = ( 0,0,t) +s( \cos(t),\sin(t),0),s \in \mathbb{R}$$

Therefore the parameterised equation of your surface is this but for $every$ real value of $t$:

$$( x,y,z) = ( 0,0,t) +s( \cos(t),\sin(t),0),s \in \mathbb{R}, t \in \mathbb{R}$$

which is similar to user3482749's answer...