Parallel line equation


I want to incorporate 2 diagonal lines in a logo design. The lines have to be parallel to each other and have to be exactly 0.5 inches apart when measured perpendicular. The upper point of Line 1 has to be fixed at one intersection on Point A. The lower point of Line 2 has to be fixed at a different intersection on Point D. How would I calculate Point B and Point C?


Best Answer

Here is one possible geometric construction, which could be done in CAD software.

Draw a circle of radius $0.5$ around $A$. Then the line $BD$ will be tangent to this circle. To find the point $E$ of tangency, note that $AED$ must be a right angle; so draw a circle with diameter $AD$, and let $E$ be where it intersects the other circle. (There are two points of intersection; choose the one on the right side.) Then $B$ will be the intersection of line $DE$ and the horizontal line through $A$. Then point $C$ can be found by completing the parallelogram.

enter image description here

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