Geometry – Locus of Point Dividing a Segment in a Circle

conic sectionscoordinate systemsgeometry

$P$ is a moving point on the circle $x^2+y^2=4$. If a point $Q$ divide the perpendicular dropped from point $P$ on the line $x+y=0$, such that $Q$ divide $PN$ ($N$ is foot of perpendicular) in the ratio $1:2$, then locus of $Q$ is

(a) An ellipse

(b) A Hyperbola

(c) A conic with eccentricity $\dfrac{\sqrt5}{3}$

(d) A Conic with eccentricity $\dfrac{3}{\sqrt5}$

My Solution:

Let a variable point $P$ on circle $P(2\cos(\theta), 2\sin(\theta))$

Foot of perpendicular $N$ from $P$ on Line $x+y=0$ is $N(\cos\theta-\sin\theta, \sin\theta-\cos\theta)$

Let coordinate of $Q$ as $(h,k)$ So according to question $3h=5\cos\theta-\sin\theta …..(i)$ and $3k=5\sin\theta-\cos\theta …..(ii)$

TO find Locus of $Q$ we must remove paramter $\theta$ and this can be done using $(i)^2+(ii)^2$ Hence $(3h)^2+(3k)^2=(5\sin\theta-\cos\theta)^2+(5\cos\theta-\sin\theta)^2$

So Locus of $Q$ using section formula is $x^2+y^2=\dfrac{26}{9}$

What Am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

Another approach is to rotate the coordinate system by 45 degrees clockwise, i.e., $(x',y')=((x-y)/\sqrt{2},(x+y)/\sqrt{2})$. Then the point $P=(x',y')$ on the circle $x'^2+y'^2=4$ projects onto the line $y'=0$ as $N=(x',0)$, so the point of interest is $Q=(x',(2/3)y')$. But this point satisfies $$x'(Q)^2+(3y'(Q)/2)^2=4\implies \frac{x'(Q)^2}{2^2}+\frac{y'(Q)^2}{(4/3)^2}=1$$

So in the rotated coordinate system we have an ellipse with semi-major/minor axes as $a=2,b=4/3$ and thus eccentricity $e=\sqrt{1-b^2/a^2}=\sqrt{5}/3$.