Outer Measure limit equality


Suppose M is the class of measurable sets with respect to an outer measure $\mu^*$ defined on the subsets of $\Omega$. Take {$E_n$} to be a monotone increasing sequence of sets in M and A any set in $\Omega$. Prove that:

lim $\mu^*( A \cap E_n)$ = $\mu^*($lim $A \cap E_n)$

(the limits are taken with $n$ going to $\infty$)

I could prove "less or equal" using monotonicity of the outer measure, but I'm having a bit of trouble with the other side.
This is exercise 8 from section 4.1 of S. J. Taylor's Introduction to Measure and Integration

$\mu^*$ here is any outer measure, not necessarily an induced one. In such manner, we can't say that for every set $A$ there exists a measurable set that covers it and has the exact same measure. When this property holds, Taylor refers to $\mu^*$ as a "regular outer measure".

Best Answer

Lemma: Let $A \subseteq \Omega$ and $E, F \in M$ such that $E \cap F=\emptyset$, then $$\mu^*(A \cap (E \cup F)) = \mu^*(A \cap E) + \mu^*(A \cap F)$$

Proof: Since $E \in M$ and $E \cap F=\emptyset$, we have \begin{align} \mu^*(A \cap (E \cup F)) &= \mu^*(A \cap (E \cup F) \cap E) + \mu^*(A \cap (E \cup F) \cap E^c) =\\ &= \mu^*(A \cap E) + \mu^*(A \cap F) \end{align} $\square$

Now for the main result:

Since for all $n$, $A \cap E_n \subseteq \lim_k A \cap E_k$, we have $\lim_n \mu^*( A \cap E_n) \leqslant \mu^*(\lim_n A \cap E_n)$.

Now, let $E= \lim_n E_n = \bigcup_n E_n$. Let us define $F_0 = E_0$ and, for each $n$, $F_{n+1} =E_{n+1} \setminus \bigcup_{k=0}^n E_k$. Then the sets $F_n$ are disjoint set and for all $n$, $F_n \in M$. Moreover $E_n= \bigcup_{k=0}^n F_k$ and $E= \lim_n E_n = \bigcup_n E_n= \bigcup_n F_n$.

So we have $$\lim_n \mu^*( A \cap E_n) \leqslant \mu^*(\lim_n A \cap E_n)= \mu^* \left (\bigcup_n ( A \cap F_n) \right ) \leqslant \sum_n\mu^*(A\cap F_n)$$

where the last step is $\sigma$-sub-additivity of $\mu^*$. So we have:

$$\lim_n \mu^*( A \cap E_n) \leqslant \mu^*(\lim_n A \cap E_n)\leqslant \lim_k\sum_{n=0}^k\mu^*(A\cap F_n) \tag{1}$$

Using the Lemma and induction, we have that for all $k$, $$\sum_{n=0}^k\mu^*(A\cap F_n)= \mu^*\left (A \cap \bigcup_{n=0}^k F_n \right ) = \mu^*(A \cap E_k) \tag{2}$$

Combining $(1)$ and $(2)$:

$$\lim_n \mu^*( A \cap E_n) \leqslant \mu^*(\lim_n A \cap E_n)\leqslant \lim_k\sum_{n=0}^k\mu^*(A\cap F_n) = \lim_k\mu^*(A \cap E_k) $$

So $\lim_n \mu^*( A \cap E_n) = \mu^*(\lim_n A \cap E_n)$

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