Orthonormal basis quadratic form in canonical form

linear algebraorthonormalquadratic-forms

I am very confused and don't know what to do, can you give me any suggestions?
This is my task:

In orthonormal basis quadratic form F(x) is calculated like this:
$$F(x) = 17x^2
_1 + 17x^2_2 + 11x
^2_3 − 16x_1x_2 + 8x_1x_3 − 8x_2x_3.$$

Find transformation matrix to another orthonormal basis, in which $F$ is in canonical form, and find this canonical form.

Best Answer

Your quadratic form is represented by a unique symmetric matrix $S$ in the sense that $F(x)=x\cdot Sx$. In this case, the matrix $S$ is $$ S=\left[\begin{array}{rrr} 17 & -8 & 4 \\ -8 & 17 & -4 \\ 4 & -4 & 11 \end{array}\right] $$ To construct this $S$, note that the $(i, j)$th entry is half the coefficient of $x_ix_j$ in $F(x)$ if $i\neq j$ and equal to the coefficient of $x_ix_j$ if $i=j$.

The process of putting $F$ in "canonical form" is sometimes referred to as "completing the square." The strategy here is to diagonalize $S$ as $S=QDQ^\top$ where $Q$ is orthogonal ($Q^\top=Q^{-1}$). We then "change variables" by defining $y=Q^\top x$. Our quadratic form can then be written as $$ F(x) = x\cdot Sx = x^\top QDQ^\top x = (Q^\top x)^\top D (Q^\top x) = y^\top D y = \lambda_1\cdot y_1^2 + \lambda_2\cdot y_2^2 + \lambda_3\cdot y_3^2 $$ where the $\lambda_i$'s are the diagonal entries of $D$ (which are also the eigenvalues of $S$).

To go about this process, we need to find orthonormal bases for the eigenspaces of $S$. It's not terribly difficult to show that this $S$ has two eigenvalues $\lambda_1=27$ and $\lambda_2=9$. Bases for the eigenspaces are given by \begin{align*} E_{27} &= \operatorname{Null}(S-27\cdot I_3)=\operatorname{Span}\{\left\langle2,\,-2,\,1\right\rangle\} \\ E_{9} &= \operatorname{Null}(S-9\cdot I_3) = \operatorname{Span}\{\left\langle1,\,0,\,-2\right\rangle, \left\langle0,\,1,\,2\right\rangle\} \end{align*} Note, however, that these bases are not orthonormal. To make them orthonormal, we can apply the Gram-Schmidt algorithm. Can you carry out this algorithm and finish "completing the square"?