Original Fraïssé’s paper and texts on Fraïssé theory


I wonder where I can find the Fraïssé's paper "Sur l’extension aux relations de quelques propriet es desordres", appeared in Annales Scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Superieure. Troisieme Śerie 71 (1954), 363–388." (or an English translation).

Also I'd like to know which text on model theory discuss details on Fraïssé theory, with one main result being a countable homogeneous structure is completely determined by its age.

Best Answer

I'm not sure about an English translation of that particular paper, but Fraïssé's book Theory of Relations is available in English translation (this includes what is today called Fraïssé theory, in Section 11.1).

I agree with HallaSurvivor's comment that Hodges' A Shorter Model Theory is the best textbook reference for Fraïssé theory.

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