Orbits under Conjugation Action


I am preparing for the exam, and one of the questions on the study guide asks:

Let $G$ be a group and let $H$ be a subgroup of $G$. Define group operation $H \times G \rightarrow G$ by $(h,g)=hgh^{-1}$. This makes $G$ into $H-set$. This is called conjugation action.
Find all orbits.

I have attempted solving the problem by figuring out if there are repetitive orbits so we can narrow down the list of all possible orbits, but since we don’t know anything about H or G and their specific structure, my attempt was not successful.

I am just starting in abstract algebra. We have just started talking about group acting on sets and have not proved much yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

All the orbits are the conjugacy classes of an element in $G$. You can divide elements in $G$ into two parts, those that are in the center $Z(G)$ of $G$, and those that are not in the center.

Let $x \in Z(G)$, then $x$ is fixed by conjugation by any elements in $G$. Hence when you look at the orbit-stabilizer formular, you have that $|G|=|Z(G)|+\sum_{x \in conjugacyclasses}{\frac{|G|}{|stab(x)|}}$. you can use this formula to show for example group of order $p^2$ is abelian as $p||G|$ and $p|\frac{|G|}{|stab(x)|}$ for all $x$ in the sum. so $p||Z(G)|$. Hence $G$ has no trivial center. And you see that $G \cong Z/p^2Z$ or $G \cong (Z/pZ)^2$ which are both abelian.

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