Operator precedence in addition and subtraction


Customary operator precedence has addition prior to subtraction. Apart from historical convention and notational consistency, is there a rationale for this?

Best Answer

I fully agree with @egreg, so let me elaborate on his comment.

The notation is rational because it is coherent with group theory. Indeed, $(\mathbb{Z}, + , 0)$ is an additive group, but it is interesting to first look at a multiplicative notation. If you write $xy^{-1}z$, where $x$, $y$ and $z$ are elements of a group, there is no ambiguity on the interpretation and nobody would interpret this as $x(yz)^{-1}$. If the group is commutative and comes with an additive notation, you would write $x - y + z$ instead, but again, it should not be interpreted as $x - (y +z)$.