Open is dual to closed : continuity


I know open and closed are in somehow dual relations.

Now I am applying this concept in continuous map.

What I know is following

$f$ is continuous iff $\overline{f^{-1}(B)} \subset f^{-1}(\overline{B})$ for all $B\subset Y$

and its dual version also holds. i.e.,

$f$ is continuous iff $\operatorname{int}(f^{-1}(B)) \supset f^{-1}(\operatorname{int}(B))$ for all $B\subset Y$

Furthermore, many textbooks cover this as well

$f : X \rightarrow Y$ is continuous iff for each $A \subset X$, $f(\bar{A}) \subset \overline{f(A)}$.

But I don't see its dual version at any textbook.

Is its dual version works?

I mean

iff for each $A\subset X$, $f(int(A)) \supset int(f(A))$

Best Answer

The first two characterisations (using $f^{-1}$) are derivable from each other : in any space $X$ we have the complements duality between interior and closure

$$\operatorname{int}(A)=X\setminus \overline{X\setminus A}$$

and $$\overline{A}= X\setminus \operatorname{int}(X\setminus A)$$

and moreover, $f^{-1}$ plays nice with complements, i.e.

$$f^{-1}[Y\setminus A]=X\setminus f^{-1}[A]$$

and complements reverse inclusions.

But we don't have the complement property for forward images (we do for injective functions, but generally $f[X\setminus A]\neq f[X]\setminus f[A]$ etc.)

The property that $f[\operatorname{int}(A)] \subseteq \operatorname{int}(f[A])$ characterises open maps, as can be easily seen. But the reverse

$$f[\operatorname{int}(A)] \supseteq \operatorname{int}(f[A])$$

does not characterise continuity, as can be seen from the examples here, (both implications with continuity fail) which I won't repeat here.