Only Two Isomorphism Classes of Groups of Order Four


So my textbook says that there are two classifications of groups of order four. Those two are:

$\mathbb{Z}_4\cong\{0,1,2,3\}$ under $+_4$, and

$\mathbb{K}_4\cong$ symmetry group of a (non-square) rectangle.

It also says if $P\cong Q$, and $P$ has $k$ elements of order $n$, then $Q$ has $k$ elements of order $n$. And that groups of order 8 or less can be classified entirely by the orders of their elements.

So, let $(O,N)$ describe a group, $A$, such that $O$ represents an order (where $O$ divides $|A|$) and $N$ represents the number of elements (in the underlying set of $A$) with that respective order $O$.

Let $G$ be a group such that $|G|=4$.

$G$ can only be broken down in one of the following ways the following ways:





Since one and only one element can have an order of one, and the other three elements can either have an order of two or four (ignoring order).

Given this, $\mathbb{Z}_4\cong G_3$, and $\mathbb{K}_4\cong G_1$, leaving both $G_2$ and $G_4$ without a group to isomorphise with.

I've also seen online that a cyclic group has exactly one generating element, whereas my textbook says that a cyclic group has at least one generating element. I feel like a clarification there might clear this up. Or is it the case that $G_2$ and $G_4$ aren't possible? If so, how would I prove that (for larger orders)?

Best Answer

$G_2$ is impossible. If $|G|=4$ and $x$ has order $4$, then $x^{-1}$ has order $4$ and is distinct from $x$. So we cannot have $(4,1)$.

$G_4$ is impossible. If $|G|=4$ and $x$ has order $4$, then $x^2$ has order $2$. And if there is no element of order $4$ then every non-identity element in $G$ has order $2$ by Lagrange's Theorem. So we cannot have $(2,0)$.

Finally, it is certainly not the case that a cyclic group has a unique generating element. Indeed, in a cyclic group of prime order, every non-identity element is a generator. (Perhaps you can provide a source where you saw this?)

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