On the $S^n$, whether smooth Riemannian metric $g$ will become constant (sectional) curvature metric under Ricci flow


Recently, I read the Hamilton's An isoperimetric estimate for the Ricci flow on the two sphere. He state that Chow proved that Under the Ricci flow on 2-sphere, any metric approaches constant curvature.

Then, I Google that whether the metric on $S^n (n\ge 3)$ will approach constant setional curvature metric. But there is not useful result.

In fact, I feel there should be some metric will not become constant curvature metric on $S^n$ under Ricci flow. But I don't know how to construct an example. Therefore, asking help here for how to construct it. Thanks.

Best Answer

When $n=3$, the seminal work of Hamilton shows that any closed 3-manifold with positive Ricci curvature converges to the constant curvature metric under the (normalized) Ricci flow. When $n=4$, Hamilton also has a similar result, assuming that the closed manifold has positive curvature tensor. More recently Bohm and Wilking show in this paper the same conclusion holds if the manifold has 2-positive curvature operator in any $n\ge 3$. Building on the idea of Bohm and Wilking, Brendle and Schoen use Ricci flow to prove the differentiable sphere theorem.

In general, as the other answer suggests, singularities develop under Ricci flow even when $n=3$. For example, Angenent and Knopf construct explicit examples of type I singularity for Ricci flow in the sphere in any dimension. More complicated singularities (the so called degenerate neckpinches) are later constructed by Angenent, Isenberg and Knopf.

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