On the number of roots of the polynomial $x^3+Ax^2+1=0$

calculuscubicsnumerical methodsroots

I have the following cubic equation


where $A$ is an arbitrary (real) number.

I know that either:

  • The 3 roots will be real.
  • One root will be real and the other two will
    be complex conjugates of each other.

I would like to find out

  • For what value/values of A the roots change from 3 real roots to one
    real and two complex roots.
  • The signs of each of the real roots (both when they are all real and when there is only one real root)

Is there an analytical way of finding this as a function of $A$ or the only option is to solve the cubic numerically?

Best Answer

If we can show that the value of $A$ changes the amount of maxima or minima from 1 to 2 such that one extreme is at a positive $y$-location and the other at a zero or negative $y$-location, then we know that this value of $A$ is the border for all real solutions versus 1 real and 2 complex solutions.

Denote $f(x) = x^3 + Ax^2 + 1.$

$$f'(x) = 3x^2+2Ax=x(3x+2A) = 0.$$

We see that $f(0)$ is always either a local maximum or minimum and $f(0) > 0.$ The other zero is given by $x = -2A/3 = \xi.$

We need $f(\xi) \leq 0.$

$$f(\xi) = \frac{4}{27}A^3 + 1 \leq 0$$

solves for the values of $A$ where 3 real solutions are guaranteed.

If there are 3 real roots, then since $x = 0$ is always a local extreme, at least one has to be positive and another has to be negative. Also, if $A \leq -3/\sqrt[3]{4}$ and the location of the moving extreme is $x=-2A/3 > 0,$ then the remaining real root has to be positive.

If there's only 1 real root, then $A > -3/\sqrt[3]{4}$ and the moving extreme is located at $x < \sqrt[3]{2}.$ Thus the only real root must be negative.

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