On the Equation of the Ellipse Formed by Intersecting a Plane and Cone

conic sectionsgeometry

2D View of cone projection (blue line)

As shown in the figure above, I want to determine the equation of the ellipse formed by intersection of a tilted right cone and a plane. We know $\alpha,$ (angle formed with the vertical), $R$ as well as $\Omega$ (cone's half-angle). The author here Previously given solution proposed a solution which confuses me on the $x=(p_1-p_2)/2,$ $y=R\tan(\Omega)$ part…how do we know this point lies on the ellipse? The author did not justify this step clearly.

Best Answer

Here's a 3-D picture, to explain more clearly that answer.

I chose as $x$-axis the intersection between the given plane, and a plane through the axis of the cone, perpendicular to it. I placed the origin at the midpoint of segment $AB$ (which is the major axis of the ellipse). $y$-axis is on the given plane, perpendicular $x$-axis. If you draw, from the center $M$ of the cone base, a line parallel to $y$-axis, then it intersects the cone (and the ellipse) at points $I$ and $H$, with coordinates $|x|=CM=(𝑝_1−𝑝_2)/2$, $|y|=MH=𝑅\tan Ω=\,$radius of the base of the cone.

enter image description here


To choose the intersecting plane such that the center of the ellipse is at a given point $C$ inside the cone, let's consider line $VC$, where $V$ is the vertex of the cone (see figure below).

If $C$ lies on the axis of the cone, then just choose a plane through $C$ perpendicular to the axis, to obtain as intersection a circle of centre $C$.

If $C$ doesn't lie on the axis, then consider the plane $\sigma$ through $C$ and the axis, intersecting the cone at two generatrices $VA$ and $VB$, and set $\angle CVB=\beta$, $\angle CVA=\gamma$, with $\beta>\gamma$. If a plane through $C$, perpendicular to $\sigma$, intersects $VA$, $VB$ at $A$ an $B$ respectively, then $AB$ is the major axis of the intersection ellipse, and $C$ is its center if $AC=BC$.

Let $\theta=\angle VCB$. From the sine law applied to triangles $VCB$ and $VCA$ one finds

$$ {BC\over VC}={AC\over VC}={\sin\beta\over\sin(\theta+\beta)}= {\sin\gamma\over\sin(\theta-\gamma)}, \quad\text{whence:}\quad \tan\theta={2\sin\beta\sin\gamma\over\sin(\beta-\gamma)}. $$ Finally, we can express angle $\alpha$ between the plane of the ellipse and a plane perpendicular to the axis as a function of $\theta$: $$ \alpha={\pi+\gamma-\beta\over2}-\theta. $$

enter image description here