On the convergence of improper integrals



Determine the value of $r$ for which the integral $$\int^{\infty}_1 (\frac r {x + 1} – \frac {3x} {2x^2 + r})\ \mathrm {d}x$$ is convergent and evaluate the integral for that value of $r$.

My working

It is trivial to see that the integral is divergent for $r = 0\ $, so let $r \neq 0\ $.

If $r \neq 0\ $, then

\int^{\infty}_1 (\frac r {x + 1} – \frac {3x} {2x^2 + r})\ \mathrm {d}x & =
\lim\limits_{a\to\infty}[r\ln(x + 1) – \frac 3 4 \ln|2x^2 + r|]^{x = a}_{x = 1}
\\[5 mm] & =
\lim\limits_{a\to\infty}[r\ln(a + 1) – \frac 3 4 \ln|2a^2 + r| – r\ln 2 + \frac 3 4 \ln|2 + r|]
\\[5 mm] & =
\lim\limits_{a\to\infty}\left(r\ln\frac {a + 1} 2 + \frac 3 4 \ln\left|\frac {2 + r} {2a^2 + r}\right|\right)

This question just appeared in my final calculus examination this afternoon and I got stuck here ):. We have practiced such questions before but I cannot seem to get this one. I would usually proceed by trying L'Hopital's Rule since we want the limit to exist. I know I probably will not be touching calculus for quite a while from now, but I still want to figure this out. Any intuitions as to how I should proceed will be greatly appreciated ๐Ÿ™‚

Best Answer

You don't have to care about the exact value of the integral. Simply use asymptotics.

To see how the integrand functions behaves asymptotically as $x \to \infty$, compute the sum of the two fractions.

$$\frac{r}{x+1} - \frac{3x}{2x^2+r} = \frac{(2r-3)x^2 -3x + r^2-1}{(x+1)(2x^2+r)}$$

Now consider two cases:

  1. If $2r-3 = 0$, then asymptotically as $x \to \infty$ $$\frac{(2r-3)x^2 -3x + r^2-1}{(x+1)(2x^2+r)} \sim \frac{-3x}{2x^3} = O (1/x^2)$$ hence the integral is convergent.

  2. If $2r-3 \neq 0$, then asymptotically as $x \to \infty$ $$\frac{(2r-3)x^2 -3x + r^2-1}{(x+1)(2x^2+r)} \sim \frac{(2r-3)x^2}{2x^3} = C \cdot \frac{1}{x}$$ (where $C \neq 0$ is a constant), hence the integral is divergent.

This means that the integral converges only when $r=3/2$.