Logical Connector ‘Implies’ – Understanding Logic


It may appear at first glance that this question had been asked over and over here. But I feel that the question that is in my mind is slightly different from what has already been asked. Here it is:

What would have happened if $P \implies Q$ was taken false when $P$ was false and $Q$ was true?

I read several answers for the question: "Why false implies True is false?". I could gather some information from the answers. One is that irrespective of the truth value of $Q$, if $P$ is false, we treat $P \implies Q$ to be true vacuously. But this didn't answer my question, what would have happened if I had taken it to be false?
Another answer, which though addressed my question, I wasn't much satisfied with. This was that answer: If we had taken false implies true to be false, then truth tables of $\implies$ and $\leftrightarrow$ would have been one and the same.

Any answer in the direction of consequence of false implies true false is highly appreciated. I mean, would there have been any logical fallacy, contradiction or paradox of so kind if I had assumed false implies true to be false?

Best Answer

You're not going to get anything like a logical paradox or anything because the way you are considering defining it is not self-contradictory. In fact, as @Prime Mover and you both point out, this would make it equivalent to $\Leftrightarrow$.

Nevertheless, this would lead to what would probably be considered an unsatisfactory operator. For example, "$x < 5 \Rightarrow x < 10$" would be false which is not what we want from an "if ... then ..." statement.

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