On jackpots in the Malaysian lottery


Below is the Jackpot in my home country. Based on my calculation, the probability of Jackpot 2 is higher than Jackpot 1 although Jackpot 1 has higher prize, which does not make sense to me.

Is my calculation wrong?

Based on the comment and answers, it seems that the ticket bought is important on the probability calculation.

6 numbers needed to pick per ticket and no need to indicate which is the bonus number in ticket.

Ticket bought example: 3, 9, 13, 23, 33, 43 (no need to specify bonus number)
Draw result: 3, 9, 13, 33, 40, 43 + 23 (bonus number)
Then you win jackpot 2

Jackpot 1:
Winning criteria: 6 matching number out of 50 numbers
6 matching number: 50 choose 6 = 15890700
Probability: 1 in 15,890,700

Jackpot 2:
Winning criteria: 5 matching number out of 50 numbers + 1 bonus number from the 50 numbers
5 matching number: 50 choose 5 = 2,118,760
1 bonus number: 50 – 6 = 44 numbers remaining

5 matching number + 1 bonus number = 2,118,760 x 44 = 93,225,440

Probability: 1 in 93,225,440

Jackpot image

Best Answer

Your probability for Jackpot 1 is correct: $\frac{1}{50 \choose 6}=\frac{1}{15890700}$.

Your probability for Jackpot 2 is wrong.

There are ${50 \choose 7} = 99884400$ ways of choosing the six main balls and the bonus ball if you ignore their status ($7$ times more if you take account of the status). Of these, $50-6=44$ will have the six numbers on the ticket, so the probability of winning either Jackpot 1 or Jackpot 2 is $\frac{44}{{50 \choose 7}}$ which is seven times the probability of winning Jackpot 1.

By subtraction, this make the probability of winning Jackpot 2 be six times the probability of winning Jackpot 1, i.e. $\frac{6}{50 \choose 6} = \frac1{2648450}$.

Approached a different way, the probability that the first six balls drawn have five of the numbers on the ticket and that the seventh ball matches the missing number is $\frac{{6 \choose 5}{50-6 \choose 1}}{50 \choose 6} \times \frac1{50-6 \choose 1}=\frac{6}{50 \choose 6}$ again.