On a connected normal space, applying Urysohn’s lemma to show that $f^{-1}(r)$ has nonempty interior for each $r \in \mathbb{Q}\cap I$


I know that it is already asked
(Strong form of Urysohn Lemma)

Typing the question here again:

Let $A$ and $B$ be two disjoint closed subsets of a connected normal space $X$. Prove there exists a continuous function $f:X\rightarrow [0,1]$ such that $f(A)=\{0\}, \space f(B)=\{1\}.$ Also for all $r\in \mathbb{Q}\cap[0,1]$ , the interior of $f^{-1}(r)$ is not empty.

Though I read two answers to the question, I couldn't proceed.

and I couldn't see where the connectedness was used.

To clear what I want to know,
I want to know how to show that $f^{-1}(r)$ has nonempty interior for each $r \in \mathbb{Q}\cap I$.

Best Answer

"Where is the connectedness of $X$ used?"

Let $A, B$ be disjoint non-empty subsets of $X$ and let $g:X\to [0,1]$ be continuous with $g[A]=\{0\}$ and $g[B]=\{1\}.$ Let $h:[0,1]\to [0,1]$ be a continuous with $h(0)=0$ and $h(1)=1,$ such that $int_{[0,1]}h^{-1}\{r\}\ne \emptyset $ for each $r\in \Bbb Q\cap [0,1].$ Let $f=h\circ g.$

Then for $r\in \Bbb Q\cap [0,1] $ we have $f^{-1}\{r\}=g^{-1}h^{-1}\{r\}\supset g^{-1} int_{[0,1]} (h^{-1}\{r\}).$

Now the set $S=int_{[0,1]}(h^{-1}\{r\})$ is a non-empty open subset of $[0,1],$ and $g$ is continuous, so $g^{-1}S$ is open in $X,$ so $$g^{-1}S \subset int_X(f^{-1}\{r\}).$$

BUT how do we know that $g^{-1}S$ is not empty?

BY THIS: $X$ is connected so its continuous image $g[X]$ is connected, with $\{0,1\}\subset g[X]\subset [0,1]$, so $g[X]=[0,1].$ And $\emptyset \ne S\subset [0,1].$ So $g^{-1}S\ne \emptyset.$

To see how this fails if $X$ is not connected, suppose $X=A\cup B$ where $A, B$ are disjoint non-empty open-and-closed subsets of $X.$ Then the $only$ continuous $f:X\to [0,1]$ with $f[A]=\{0\}$ and $f[B]=\{1\}$ is $f=(A\times \{0\})\cup (B\times \{1\}),$ and we have $f^{-1}\{r\}=\emptyset$ if $0\ne r\ne 1.$

$Addendum.$ At the proposer's request, here is how to obtain the function $h$. Let $C$ be the Cantor set. Let $[0,1]\setminus C=\cup S$ where $S$ is a family of non-empty open intervals. For $s,s'\in S$ let $s<^*s'$ iff $\sup s<\inf s'.$

Now $<^*$ is a linear order on the countably infinite set $S,$ and $<^*$ is order-dense (That is, if $s<^*s'$ then there exists $s''$ with $s<^*s''<^*s'$), and there is no $<^*$-max or $<^*$-min member of $S$.... Theorem. (Cantor): Such a linear order is order-isomorphic to $\Bbb Q$ (with the usual order on $\Bbb Q$).

And $\Bbb Q$ is order-isomorphic to $\Bbb Q\cap (0,1).$ So let $\psi: S\to \Bbb Q\cap (0,1)$ be an order-isomorphism.

Now for $x\in s\in S$ let $\phi(x)=\psi (s).$ Extend the domain of $\phi$ from $\cup S$ to $(\cup S)\cup C =[0,1]$ by letting $\phi(0)=0$ and letting $\phi(x)=\sup \{\phi (y): x>y\in \cup S\}$ when $ 0<x\in C.$ I assert without proof that $\phi:[0,1]\to [0,1]$ is continuous.

Finally for $x \in (1/4,3/4)$ let $h(x)=\phi (2x-1/2).$ For $x\in [0,1/4]$ let $h(x)=0.$ For $x\in [3/4,1]$ let $h(x)=1.$

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