On a characterization of compact operator in Hilbert space


Let $H$ be a Hilbert space of infinite dimension and $\{α_n \}$ be a sequence in $\Bbb R$.
Let $\{e_n : n ∈ \Bbb N\}$ and $\{ e_n' : n ∈ \Bbb N\}$ be two orthonormal sets in $H$.

Let $T : H → H$ defined by $T (x) = \sum_{n∈\Bbb N}α_n (x, e_n ) e_n'$

Prove that $T$ is a compact operator iff $α_n → 0$.

I tried to use Bessel's inequality witout success and I don't see how to proceed.

Thank you for your help.

Best Answer

If $\alpha_n$ fails to converge to zero, then there exists a subsequence $(x_n)$ of $(e_n)$ such that $Tx_n$ has no convergent subsequence. We can build this sequence by selecting indices $n_k$ such that $\inf_k |\alpha_{n_k}| > 0$.

On the other hand, if $\alpha_n \to 0$, then $T$ is a limit (in operator norm) of finite-rank operators, and is therefore compact. In particular, we have $$ T = \lim_{N \to \infty} \sum_{n = 1}^N \alpha_n (x,e_n)e_n'. $$