Odds of winning the Malaysian lottery [part 2]


Part 1

Jackpot Bonus number: remaining of number inside the 8 matching number.

Per ticket is 8 numbers and no need to specify which is bonus number

Grand Prize: 8 matching number from 36 numbers
Probability: 1 in (36 choose 8)

2nd prize: 7 matching number from 36 numbers + (any 1 of 2 bonus numbers)

3rd prize: 7 matching numbers from 36 numbers
Probability: 1 in (36 choose 7)

4h prize: 6 matching number from 36 numbers + (any 1 of 2 bonus numbers)

What is the probability of winning 2nd prize and 4th prize respectively?

Lottery Winning Condition

Best Answer

Divide number into $8$ winning, $2$ bonus, $26$ useless

Win $2nd$ prize = $\Large{\binom87\binom21\binom{26}0\over\binom{36}8}\approx1\; in\; 1,891, 271$

You should be able to work out $4th$ prize similarly as
