Nyquist plot- is G(s) stable

control theory

I got very confused with the nyquist plot.
I have a basic question that would suffice:
say I got a general nyquist plot of some transfer function $ G(s) $:

enter image description here

Is $ G(s) $ stable? what information apart from the evolution of Phase and magnitude I can get from the plot?

I Know that the Nyquist plot gives information about $\frac{1}{1+G(s)} $ stability. But what else?

Best Answer

Nyquist's Theorem is about closed loop stability using open loop frequency response information. If you want to know if the TF $G(s)$ is open loop stable, you do need to work backwards from the phase/mag information to a (crude) bode plot, to a TF in the s-domain. In your Nyquist plot of $G(s),$ we can see the magnitude is approximately constant with an increasing phase of $180^\circ$ for low frequencies. This suggests an unstable pole and stable zero at low frequencies.

As we pass the phase of $180^\circ,$ the magnitude drops rapidly suggesting another pole activates. The phase continues to increase for a brief period. This suggests another unstable pole. The magnitude continues to decrease, but the phase begins to decrease back down to a phase of $90^\circ.$ This suggests an additional two stable poles at high frequencies.


$$G(s) = 0.9\,\frac{\left(\frac{s}{z_1} + 1\right)}{\left(\frac{s}{p_1} + 1\right)\left(\frac{s}{p_2} + 1\right)\left(\frac{s}{p_3} + 1\right)^2},$$

where $z_1 > 0,$ $p_1 \approx -z_1 < 0,$ $p_2 \approx 10\,p_1,$ $p_3 \approx -10\,p_2.$

Example, consider the TF,

$$G(s) = 0.9\,\frac{\left(\frac{s}{1} + 1\right)}{\left(\frac{s}{-1} + 1\right)\left(\frac{s}{-10} + 1\right)\left(\frac{s}{100} + 1\right)^2}.$$

The Nyquist plot of this TF is,

enter image description here

Pretty close. It isn't perfect, but you get the idea. You can use the real axis intersections to get more precise information. I didn't do that. However, we can see that $G(s)$ is not BIBO stable.

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