Numerical equality symbol for variables with different units


Good day! I wonder, is there any equality symbol for variables with different units of measurements?

For instance, it is given $Ce = 3$ $[V*s/rad]$ which is back-EMF constant of a motor and $Cm$ – torque constant of a motor in $[N*m/A]$. For DC motor this constants are numericaly equal.

How symbolically indicate that they are equal? Because I think it is incorrect to say $Cm = Ce$, as they are variables with different units of measurements.

Best Answer

I don't think that exists a precise symbol for what you are looking for and sincerely I don't even see a need! You could come up with your notation if you want like stating that the magnitude of that two physical measurement are the same but it will be still imprecise if you want to be pedantic about it.

If you want to be creative you can use something like this $$C_m\cong C_e\;\;\;C_m\doteq C_e\;\;\;C_m\simeq C_e$$ You could even go to crazier places with something like that $$C_m\bowtie C_e\;\;\;C_m\triangleright C_e$$ sky is the limit: choose one that you like and define it as "[...] where this symbol is being use to indicate that this constants are numericaly equal [...]"