Numbers that cannot be expressed in closed form

algebraic-number-theorynumber theorytranscendental-numbers

Irrational numbers can be divided into two categories:

But there are some numbers that are roots of polynomial ie. are algebraic but cannot be expressed in closed form expression.
Eg. $\sin10^o,\sin20^o etc.$
$\sin10^o$ is a root of $8x^3-6x+1=0$ but it is not possible to express it in closed form

What are such numbers called?

Best Answer

I think the theorem you want is that an algebraic number can be written as a root tower if and only if the Galois group of its minimal polynomial over the rationals is solvable (as a group). That is how Galois proved that there is no general solution for the quintic polynomial. $S_5$ is not solvable so just find a quintic polynomial with Galois group $S_5$.

I am not aware of any name for such algebraic numbers.

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