Number of ways to form groups of balls


Suppose I have $12$ balls, $6$ are white and $6$ are black. I want to make four groups of balls. Each group contains three balls. How many arrangements are possible? Assuming all the same colored balls are identical.

Thoughts: If all the balls would have been different the problem would have become simpler. I can arrange the balls in $12!$ ways and can argue that for each possible arrangement I can pick 3 balls at a time from the arranged sequence and form a group. I think a similar approach should work in identical balls case too. Giving the total number of ways as $\dfrac{12!}{6!6!}$. I don't know the answer to this problem. It will be really helpful if we can verify the answer with different methods.

Best Answer

We have $6$ white balls (and therefore $6$ black balls) to place into $4$ bags. Each bag can contain $0,1,2$ or $3$ white balls (and correspondingly has $3-k$ black balls).

After each ball has been placed, we have a representative of the coefficient of $x^6$ in $(1+x+x^2+x^3)^4$.

So finding the coefficient of $x^6$ in $(1+x+x^2+x^3)^4$ gives the answer.

This can be calculated as:



$$=[x^6]\left(1-4x^4+\dots\right)\left(\sum_\limits{k=3}^\infty \binom{k}{3} x^{k-3}\right)$$




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