Number of ways generating $N$ length strings


I need to learn approach to solve following problem, I need this for programming problem.

For a given set of alphabet letters $S$, and pairs of rule and find the number of ways in which $N$ length different strings can be formed.


Given a set of letters $S=\{a, b, c\}$, we have replacement rules $(current\_letter, next\_ letter)$ as below:

(a, a),
(a, b),
(a, c),
(b, a),
(b, c),
(c, a),
(c, b)

How to calculate the number of ways that $N$ length string can be formed such that two consecutive pairs always appears in replacement rules.

For $N = 1$, we have 3 ways either { "$a$", "$b$", "$c$" }
For $N=2$, we have 7 ways { "$aa$"
"$cb$" }
For $N=3$, we have 17 ways { "$aaa$",
"$cbc$" }

Please give me hint, what should I read to sovle this?

Best Answer

Not a complete answer, but especially because you need it for programming I think it might be useful.

For $n=1,2,\dots$ let $A_n,B_n,C_n$ denote the number of stringths having length $n$ that end on $a,b,c$ respectively, and let $T_n$ denote the number of stringth having length $n$.

Then $A_1=B_1=C_1=1$ and:

  • $T_n=A_n+B_n+C_n$
  • $A_{n+1}=T_n$
  • $B_{n+1}=A_n+C_n$
  • $C_{n+1}=A_n+B_n$
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