Number of Sylow subgroups of groups of order 75


Let $G$ be a group of order $75=3 *5^2$. How many Sylow subgroups does G have?
$|Syl_5(G)|$ has to divide 3 $\Rightarrow$ $|Syl_5(G)|\in \{1,3\}$ BUT $3\not\equiv_51$ $\Rightarrow$ $|Syl_5(G)|=1$
$|Syl_3(G)|$ has to divide 25 $\Rightarrow$ $|Syl_3(G)|\in \{1,5,25\}$ BUT $5\not\equiv_31$ $\Rightarrow$ $|Syl_3(G)|=1$ or $|Syl_3(G)|=25$
Does that mean I can have 2 or 26 Sylow subgroups? But if I have 26, how can they be subgroups G? Wouldn't it mean that the total order of the subgroups exceed the order of the group?

Best Answer

Note that Sylow theorems give you necessary conditions for the number of Sylow $p$-groups. Those conditions are not sufficient. In your case, you have proven that $|Syl_5(G)|=1$ and $|Syl_3(G)|\in\{1,25\}$. This means that $|Syl_3(G)|$ and $|Syl_5(G)|$ cannot take any other values than those you've noted - but it doesn't mean they must take all of them.

(The case where those numbers are all $1$ is a bit of an exception. There is always a group where all the numbers of Sylow $p$-groups are $1$. Indeed - take a direct sum of the group's Sylow $p$-groups!)

Which leaves us with the case $|Syl_5(G)|=1$ and $|Syl_3(G)|=25$, for which we still don't know whether it is possible or impossible. Suppose that it is possible, and let's try to either derive a contradiction or construct the group $G$ in which this is true. What we do know is that the Sylow $5$-group is unique (call it $H$, $|H|=25$) and is therefore normal in $G$. On the other hand, you can pick a Sylow $3$-subgroup $K$, $|K|=3$, which is most certainly not normal (Sylow's 2nd theorem - Sylow $3$-groups are all conjugates of each other, so $K$ has $25$ conjugates). We also know that:

Now, the map $\theta_a:h\mapsto a^{-1}ha$ is an automorphism of $H$ and its order must divide the order of $a$ - so its order is either $1$ or $3$. If its order is $1$, however, it means that $a^{-1}ha=h$, i.e. $ah=ha$ for all $h\in H$. This means that every element of $H$ commutes with every element of $K$, and so $G$ turns up a direct sum of $H$ and $K$ - and so $Syl_3(G)=1$.

Thus, the question here really boils down to: is there an automorphism of order $3$ of either $C_{25}$ or $C_5\times C_5$?

  • If there is such an automorphism $\theta$, then you can use it to construct a semidirect product $H\rtimes_\theta K$, with $75$ elements, in which $K$ will be most definitely not normal subgroup - therefore $|Syl_3(G)|$ will be $25$.
  • If there is no such automorphism, then $\theta_a$ must be trivial and we are back to the case $|Syl_3(G)|=1$

Let's check the two cases:

  • $H\cong C_{25}$: Let $b$ be a generator of $H$. An automorphism of $H$ sends $b$ into another generator $b^i$ (where $i$ is coprime to $25$). The order of this automorphism is the smallest number $n$ such that $i^n\equiv 1\pmod{25}$, for which Euler's theorem tells us $n\mid 20$ (as $\varphi(25)=20$). As $3\not\mid 20$, this automorphism cannot be of order $3$.
  • $H\cong C_5\times C_5$: One can see that $H$ is then a vector space over $\mathbb Z_5$ of dimension $2$ and every automorphism of it is given by an invertible matrix $A=\begin{bmatrix}p&q\\r&s\end{bmatrix}\in M_2(\mathbb Z_5)$. So we are looking for the $2\times 2$ matrix $A\in M_2(\mathbb Z_5)$ such that $A\ne I$ but $A^3=I$. As it happens, there is such a matrix: take, for example, $A=\begin{bmatrix}-1&1\\-1&0\end{bmatrix}$.

Let us just show how this automorphism acts on $C_5\times C_5$: if the elements of $C_5\times C_5$ are represented as $u^iv^j$ where $u$ and $v$ are the generators of the two $C_5$'s and $i,j\in\mathbb Z_5$, then $\theta_A(u^iv^j)=u^{-i+j}v^{-i}$, because $\begin{bmatrix}-1&1\\-1&0\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}i\\j\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}-i+j\\-i\end{bmatrix}$.

With that automorphism, your group $G$ can be constructed, as shown above, as $(C_5\times C_5)\rtimes_{\theta_A}C_3$, and it will have $25$ Sylow $3$-groups.

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